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(1 edit) (+10)

Because I have been working on Repeat nonstop for the past five years and have been burning out by working on a single project to the point where I was hating everything I was doing? Temptation’s Ballad has been a creative breath of fresh air for me and really helped pull me out of a depressive rut. I’m not a machine that can endlessly pump out updates with no consequence, give me a break.


Damn... You really need someone to help you. XD


No, taking breaks from long projects is pretty normal.


I mean in the other project you touched on some very sensitive topics and It must be very draining to want to give to those who want,wait did you say 5 years. 😳

When you only reply to complaints is a sign of a true madlad.

Awww,  I love your content, but your well being is more important. I hope you don't loose your enthusiasm for creating these games and I hope that you have fun creating the games! I can wait, even if you need 5 years off. By then I can buy the game, and I will.


As much as i like Repeat for its interesting story. i love this one for its characters even more, so if this is how you went your stress ,hey knock yourself out.

No but seriously , if you think something is to much for you to the point you get in a depressive rut (i am familiar with them) Take-a-Break, honestly.