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Wow awesome entry! Easily one of the best so far. Great selection of colors, good choice of music and really juicy gamefeel :) The mirroring mechanic is unique and really interesting to play with. Makes for some really good puzzles. A bit hard to find 2 things to improve on this one :D

  • Like with most other games maybe tone down the difficulty at the beginning of the game? Maybe it's just me but I was already struggling a bit in the second level. I'll have to say that I'm not a puzzle game guy though
  • Maybe add some kind of narrative that explains why the mirroring is happening etc.

Like I said, not easy to find things to improve on this one. Please continue working on it as this game really has potential. Great job!

Thanks for the detailed feedback. If I do decide to expand on this game, I'll be sure to take on your criticisms.