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Sadly I'm not much of a platformer person so I couldn't get past the spikes on the 2nd level lol


  • The intro was cool, I haven't seen any other game with an intro like that
  • The lighting effect was interesting and added a bit of a challenge in looking carefully before I made a jump
  • Controls felt pretty good, I haven't played many platformers though so idk what wall-jumping etc is supposed to feel like. Personally I liked the wall-jumping and the different sprites for each action
  • I really liked the music, I know you didn't make it but you picked some good music that fits with the game well imo

Could be improved:

  • The first time I died I had no idea what had happened because [a] the spikes are really hard to see if you aren't looking for them, [b] there is no indication of death (sound effects, particles etc) and [c] on dying, the character sprite takes a second to appear - is it reloading the image every time you die?
  • Sound effects in general would be nice, for jumping and dying etc
  • I didn't see much to do with the rewind theme, BUT I did only get to level 2 so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since the plot seems to be related to the theme

Overall it was a nice game. Unfortunate that you couldn't upload all the files, but since you streamed my game I figured I should put in the extra effort to take a look at yours :)

ALSO: wanted to thank you again for playing my game on stream because you were able to record a major glitch! I had a look at the stream again to see what happened when the tutorial said you saved yourself, and it seems like there is a slight inconsistency in the positions of the player and bullets when it rewinds and replays. I think the positions of the bullets may be off by one frame, which doesn't affect gameplay most of the time but sometimes just one frame could allow you to move out of the way of a bullet. Wouldn't have been able to see this if you hadn't played my game on stream, so thanks :D

Thank you so much for trying my game and giving feedback :) 

Yes I wanted to add animations for dying and sound effects but I don't know how to add them and I didn't have time to do research ^^' Will add them in a future update :) 

Yeah the rewind was more in the story and the fact that going from level 1 to level 2 you go back in time. I realise that it wasn't super clear ^^'

That's awesome and I'm happy that my stream helped you find the glitch ^^