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Even though it's been only a couple of years since Evil Dead tv-series ended, this reminds me how much I miss this franchise. I dig your representation of the cabin, characters, iconic moments of the movies... even Delta is there! For me including Freddy and Jason feels a bit out of place when otherwise this is heavily focused on Evil Dead movies. (Also this is fanboy speaking: I know it's too much to ask, but I wish there was some Bruce Campbell one-liners every now and then!)

As a game it was a nice little pastime. It took a couple of runs to get the hang of it. I didn't notice barricading was a thing for a while and then I wasn't sure if it was worth even doing, because those enemies that come out of the windows are so easy to kill and even then barricade holds for couple of seconds. Maybe if it gave you like 5 points or gave you a boost on item rulette it would make more sense.

Great graphics, perfect usage of space available on this tiny resolution. Sounds were ok, music got a bit repetitive.

Got 251 on my best run. I might have to beat that score later.

Boarding up the windows actually has an effect on how often the bigger baddies spawn in. I didn't explain that anywhere though. Whoops!