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So… I’m going to start by saying I’m a Linux user! Graphically, I thought the game looked beautiful and I like that there’s the potential for a lot of replayability with this game.

I tried using the controls as described on the games main page, but they didn’t seem to all work (or, at least, for me). Keyboard-wise, I don’t think the ‘D’ key worked consistently so, I kept going to the left and had trouble going to the right.

When I tried playing using an XBox controller, things seemed to work better, however, I would walk in front of a computer and something that looks like an exclamation point would appear, but I press the button that is supposed to be “hack”, but nothing happened. Also, when trying to aim up (at turrets), my gun seemed to just keep shooting strait. Not sure if I misunderstood the intent of the red dot (I assumed it was for aiming), but turrets always won.

Still, I can definitely see this game has some great potential! Great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

That would be because I've accidentally bound S to move left (and look down), instead of D. Can you tell I don't use WASD?. I'll fix it and upload a new build. The arrow keys should work.

Also, I'm uploading a web build shortly so everyone can play.