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Thank you so much for your comment!

I was thinking about soing all of those things, but I ran out of time...

I wanted this game to be a lot more, but sinve I was doing pretty much everything for he first time, it took way to much time to figure everything out.

I appreciate that you enjoyed the game at least a little bit. :)


Don't worry: I know what it's like to end a jam game with 30% of the game you planned. To be completely honest, the idea of having a rating system was something I wanted to do in my game too, but cut out due to time constraints! So I completely understand your point of view. But it really is a good first game. If you want to release a more complex version after the jam, I think it would do well. 

But then again, I never work on my jam games after the jam, so I understand if you end up never touching this again! 


Yeah, I wasn't planning on continuing this project... Maybe I'll make a 3D more refined version. We'll see :D