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It's very good! Congratulations, very good first game. And the sprites are pretty nice too :)

Using rewinding as an attacking mechanic is original! I think it's the first game in this jam that I saw that did this. Really liked it. I was just a bit disappointed that you couldn't rewind the floating platforms and the elevators! But I guess that that has already been done a lot in the jam :)

I think it should have been longer. One or two extra levels would have been enough!

Also, it's not obvious that you have a limit on how many shots you have. I eventually figured out what the number at the top was for, but it would have been better if you had explicitly written that somewhere! Or maybe you did and I missed it: sorry!

I think maybe you could change how you go about the limitation of the number of shots. You could give the player more shots than he needs to complete the level, but congratulate the player on using less than the maximum number of shots: you could even have a "par" number of shots where you get a medal or a star at the end of the level if you use less than a certain amount of shots, for instance. Your last level is actually a perfect example of this! By cleverly using the rewind mechanic (space bar) you can clear the game in only one shot, even though you have three available. That is great! It made me feel that I was better than the average and made me want to keep perfecting my skills.  You want your players to feel that!

Overall, good jam entry and excellent first game. :) 


Thank you so much for your comment!

I was thinking about soing all of those things, but I ran out of time...

I wanted this game to be a lot more, but sinve I was doing pretty much everything for he first time, it took way to much time to figure everything out.

I appreciate that you enjoyed the game at least a little bit. :)


Don't worry: I know what it's like to end a jam game with 30% of the game you planned. To be completely honest, the idea of having a rating system was something I wanted to do in my game too, but cut out due to time constraints! So I completely understand your point of view. But it really is a good first game. If you want to release a more complex version after the jam, I think it would do well. 

But then again, I never work on my jam games after the jam, so I understand if you end up never touching this again! 


Yeah, I wasn't planning on continuing this project... Maybe I'll make a 3D more refined version. We'll see :D