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I love this game, but i got stuck on a level and kept pressing Z didn't bring me back to the start status, might be adding a reboot level pause scene going forward?  Another thing is that maybe I would add W key to enable player jump, maybe it is just a force of habbit to use WASD for me. Overally I think this game has the potential to launch in the future, I like it very much. Like bombsher said, it has a lot of potential, there are just so many things you can play with the mechanics, but I also recon that the level design may get more challenging when the project gets more in depth. Looking forward to see this project goes live man, I'm adding it to my game collection to see how it goes in the future. 

Thank your feedback yccore and also for your compliment. I'll add the W for the jump button as you proposed and I'll try to recreate the bug that you experienced and fix it (this will be added in future updates in my other account). More importantly, I don't have the time now for finishing this game because I have my studies, but I'll add this game in my to-do list after I finished the other game I'm currently working on.


This is just a hobby project and a coding practice , and not for commercial release, please don't look forward in the future too hard because it puts me in a lot of pressure.