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Hey thanks so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it! I love the heartbeat idea I might try something like that for sure, I agree about the rewind speed and I've already begun working to fix that for a post jam launch. Also good point on highlighting intractable objects I will look into adding that as well. The bug you found does sound hilarious, I haven't heard about that one I'll have to look into it, thanks for pointing it out!


Oh one thing I forgot to mention is that there is actually a point to sitting in the chair it's just really not clear enough at the moment.


No problem! I think the bug happened when i sat on the left side of the cafe , next to the spill.  Just trying to work out why does this ghost need to sit down xD . I got up again when the first couple came to sit down and to my surprise , me and my date also sat on top of them. The game was shortly over after a few seconds. 


Thanks for the info that'll be useful for trying to re-create it. One of the lose conditions is that the first couple comes in and sits on the left table and your date will say "that other table is actually my favorite seat here" So then if as a ghost you sit on the left side when the first couple decides where to sit they'll choose the other table allowing your past self and the date to sit in her "favorite" spot. Seems like the bug your getting is somehow one of the groups is changing their path correctly but the other isn't


I hope you managed to fix it, I followed you and will play your game again one this jam is over. :D