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I liked the art style, atmosphere and the kickback on the weapons. The game is overall fun however I don’t see that there is an actual end to the game, but it seems like that’s kind of the point. Correct me if I’m wrong but the game is supposed to simulate actual hell. If that’s the case the theme is really strong especially with the rewind mechanic as the death so you just have to respawn and die over and over and over again with an endless wave of enemies. I sadly did not get the joke on the wall though… lol 

I noticed that the melee enemies seemed to glitch out my movement especially if there were a lot of them on me at once. Overall great job the usage of the theme is really good too.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for reviewing our game. Hell Gates is designed to be an endless runner where your character is trapped in limbo for eternity because of his past actions. The souls of the victims he has killed when he was alive , haunt him there. The joke is that your trapped in limbo for eternity as a punishment for your past actions. The story is a bit vague so it not very obvious when you start playing but we wanted to let the player uncover some story elements from the walls. 

I will keep a note of the bug , thank you for reviewing our game <3