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The game seems quite complex and the story is interesting, but you should have focused a bit more in helping the player understand what she/he has to do next, since I found myself wandering around aimlessly a lot. The proportions of the characters with respect to the environment are a bit weird (a person is almost as high as a lampost), but that's not an important issue, as I appreciated the whole art style. Good job!


Thanks for the feedback! I plan to address that in the next update. Liked your game as well.

Thank you!

Not expecting you to play it again, but I did incorporate the feedback in the latest version, incase you wanted to finish it.

Version 1.21

New Features: 

  • Player can now run holding shift
  • Camera has been zoomed out a bit to see more of the map 
  • Mini-Map has been added 
  • Quest Tracker has been added 
  • Added Post-Processing Effects
  • Made the map smaller

Bugs Fixed: 

  • Sidewalk and street tile edges have been fixed 
  • Better collision layer, so player walks behind poles, trees, and houses. 
  • Player now facing the correct direction when stopping, and stopping to talk 
  • Device particles now come out form the direction based on which way the player is facing 
  • Fixed Victory Screen and talking to the Tape