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Nice work on the art, as mentioned by others already a bit more direction would be super helpful.

Feedback; A bunch of the props are missing colliders so you can walk through them. If you want to fix the white lines issue that persists in your side walk art you can through the art into an sprite atlas. You can complete the top down effect by splitting your art assets in half so the top part can be on a layer in front of the player while the bottom is behind the player. Combining that with a collider thats half way will give you a nice effect for walking around objects like light posts and trees.

and again congrats on completing your second game jam


Yes, thank you. I started to figure that out the end. Didn't think about splitting them in half! That's a good idea.

Glad I could help  :D

Not expecting you to play it again, but I did incorporate the feedback in the latest version, incase you wanted to finish it.

Version 1.21

New Features: 

  • Player can now run holding shift
  • Camera has been zoomed out a bit to see more of the map 
  • Mini-Map has been added 
  • Quest Tracker has been added 
  • Added Post-Processing Effects
  • Made the map smaller

Bugs Fixed: 

  • Sidewalk and street tile edges have been fixed 
  • Better collision layer, so player walks behind poles, trees, and houses. 
  • Player now facing the correct direction when stopping, and stopping to talk 
  • Device particles now come out form the direction based on which way the player is facing 
  • Fixed Victory Screen and talking to the Tape