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(1 edit)

The perspective is definitely an interesting twist! I'd love to know how the physics works behind this or the the world movement interaction.

However, I was honestly lost on how it fit the theme until reading your description of how it fits. I didn't know what the game was about other than the platformer aspect, which is typically just fine for a platformer. I just would've like some clarity when playing.

The art, audio and that parallax background were all great working together!

Overall, great submission!

Forgot to mention, a pause menu would've also been great!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback and both your points are valid, should have explained the theme better in game as well, maybe a transition or cinematic at the start of the game, and a pause/back menu should have definitely be included.

edit: if you want to talk about this game or games in general I have the same discord name on Brackeys server, shoot me a PM