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I really liked how you approached the theme, it was quite an original take. The background effect is also lovely, it's really polished and creates a lot of atmosphere, along with the background music and the postprocessing effect. 

The gameplay itself was quite of a let down for me though, since given such a premise and good looking presentation I expected a bit more from the game mechanics too. The fact that the levels are round doesn't really help making a plain platformer more fun to me (also the moving-platform-that-do-no-move-the-player were quite annyoing), but I can understand that given the difficulties that you wrote you had during the development there's wasn't much time left for the innovation. At least now you have a really nice base to create something more interesting!

I liked the game overall and also I really appreciated the reverse audio and the radio-speakers part when starting a level. Good job! 


Thanks for the feedback, I agree 100% with you. I probably sacrificed too much time from level design in order to implement the physics and polish the aesthetics. Lesson learned, definitely need to plan better!