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I would only add a second rewind if it were gonna be used in some context like I said below, getting behind cover to avoid a guard then to get back out from the cover and continue on the path. Otherwise you're adding it for the sake of adding it rather than to add an extra level of gameplay.

You're not using the built in unity audio like Audiosource, Audio Mixer etc?

As for the numbers, I'm really not sure, I may be the problem as I've never been a big puzzle guy.

Sorry for the late reply. 

Umm, yeah, I will think about adding more rewinds. Right now I want to mistly polish the levels I have, but I will try to add more if I have time. 

I don't use Unity, I used processing, a java library. 

And about the numbers, its not you, they really aren't that informative, but I think they do help people feel in control.