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(2 edits)

Idea: You are a 50s-70s James Bond-ish character and you have been sent to assassinate an enemy following a line. (With maybe a bodyguard?) And you have 30 sec to place up to {An undecided} amount of mirrors with the ability to ricochet your bullet. After that time, the target follows the invisible line and you lose if he is not dead by the time he gets to the end.

Help: Anyone have an idea for a name, I was thinking a 60ish spy movie title like 'The Vanquilizer' or something.

(This is my first game, and jam)


Thats a neat twist to the reflecting mirror ideas that a lot of us have. I like it a lot! I think you can make the environments progressively crazier (like using mirrors to ricochet bullets off other objects in the world, etc).

Tbh, I wouldnt worry about the name yet - get the basic mechanics working first and a name will come! (At least thats what Im hoping because I have no name or story for my game lol)

Thanks for all the info! I love your idea!

James Trickshot? or any other first name with Trickhot as last one? Possibly with some other decorations around,like "James Trickshot, secret agent 036"