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Game Title/URL: Gravity Golfer

Pitch/Information:  A 3D puzzle golf game where gravity is changed in various manners to affect the golf ball and reach the ball in somewhat unorthodox manners.

I'd like feedback on: Anything you believe would be helpful! All and every piece of feedback is appreciated, and I will love seeing any ideas on what you'd like to see included in this game or what could be done to improve it. Also, keep in mind that this is very much still in development, and some later levels are unfinished. Also, although bugs are to be expected, if you see any big ones, please do say something!

Thank you, and have fun playing!


I love the aesthetic - especially the chalk board font with instructions - it looks very polished.

The camera controls take some getting used to - I kept trying to use the middle mouse button to pan or do 3d axis rotation... you may want to look into standardizing the camera controls to make them a bit more immediately familiar; however, this is a small thing.

I didn't get through all the levels, so apologies if it's a thing already, but I think a cool addition would be some obstacles like you'd see in a mini-putt course.... windmills, etc.... but ones more suited to Gravity golfing of course

Thank you for your reply! We will look into standardising camera controls, although we don't want to break the "central rotation" scheme too much. We will have to give it another go to see how to improve on that. Also, although it may appear obvious, the idea of regular mini-putt course elements had not come up yet, so it is very much appreciated! 

Again, thank you for playing, and I hope you have a nice day!