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Eh, why though? The guy is wearing Asterion's pelt as he interacts with us, which you can bet he personally and painfully skinned off of Asterion. He is happy to have a crafty master because he's convinced we'll switch to his side eventually because it's the "righteous" thing to do. Hell, even his acceptance of being tricked could easily be an act to make us like him more - Play as a Leader or Humanities background and when you meet him the second time, he tries a very good sob story because you outfoxed him so hard on the first contract, proving he's not above some decent acting. 

Hmm, maybe I'll make a whole discussion thread for Argos, I'm curious to hear more from his fans, and to just chat about him in detail.

Edit: Urgh, my browser crashed about 4 big paragraphs deep on such a post, so nevermind giving him his own thread. I suppose we can just keep it here in the build discussion page instead.


a Crash while 4 paragraphs in. Oh God ....I know that pain.

And yes, i was wondering, since his pelt was originally white, and... yeah, ow... That indeed sounds painful. Well, was he 'ordered' to do that, or is it his own fathom? I assume it's his own idea, and that kind of craftiness can have it's usefulness.

Albiet... I'm not personally into that kind of torture, some people are... but I'd rather repurpose it to something else, or at least, depending on guests, depending on storyline, depending on circumstances, could utilize the valley for other things, training purposes with the inhuman monsterosities, bondage ideas.... I mean hey, he worships Gods of the greeks, Aphrodite had a few wild moments.

Of course, this seems to be geared towards M/M so I'm not asking for some insane venom based herm bovine transmogrification or anything... I'll leave that to Fenoxo. Haha.

I'll keep brainstorming about things you can do with the serpent, agony and deceit are only two principle aspects. Emotional manipulation and so on, and..well, there's so many options for how to 'fuck with people', just because I personally prefer the lighter hearted aspects well, that's just 1 path I think you could trick the snake into. Maybe even sign him into the hotel's service but on a tighter leash. . .

This probably won't end well if I'm being honest with myself, but eh, I'm an optimist.


Argos on a leash... now there's an idea <<
I suppose he's trapped himself in this forever hell of doing unspeakable things all the time. While he obviously likes to think of new and exciting ways to horrify/torture Asterion being able to manipulate the snake into doing some humiliating stuff would be interesting as well.


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