Despite not controlling the game directly the controls actually feel really good. Predictable jump and forgiving wall-jumps make it natural to solve the game’s puzzle. With this in mind a few notes:
- Overlay some sort of tutorial on the first level, because I didn’t know I’m supposed to place actions on the level itself
- Don’t make full levels out of very simple things, they’re a bit tedious and it goes into something Mark said “It shouldn’t take the player longer to implement the solution than to actually solve a puzzle”. I’m talking about the first few levels where we learn to walk left, then walk left THEN right, then jump. These are very common actions and can be summarized in a level or two.
- Avoid trial and error levels like the one where you need to go over a walking enemy, because otherwise he’d run into you. There’s no way for me to predict how much the enemy would have walked by then so I either have to guess there’s a reason for the bridge above him or fail the level then do it again.
- If you’re going to make the game a bit trial and error for sure give players a way to accelarate the process. Maybe a fast more or something.