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Once you get the rhythm playing this as a single player is relatively easy (relatively is definitely the key word in this sentence.)   Playing this as two players was laughable (not just because we were crowded around where I had my keyboard positioned).   Beautiful art, spectacular physics, wonderful smooth movement controls and the responsivness to the power of the stroke was great.    My only suggestion is a bigger field of play, on a few of the puzzles it was almost impossible not to go out of bounds, while this would lower the diffculty a small amount I am pretty sure this could be overcome with a few well placed rocks or bouys.   Really well done job.


Thank you for taking the  time for giving us feedback! Making the field a bit bigger is quite a common thing that people have been suggesting so we've been tinkering around with it for the post-jam version. Thank you for the kind words and playing the game! This was our first jam game so it means a lot!