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Your game is decent, and could be much better with some changes.

Here's what I think should be changed/problems I encountered:

* The sword is too short.

* Your speed abruptly comes to a halt when you attack which is jarring.

* Checkpoints aren't visible and respawn triggers for dialogue.

* The game crashed when I was killed by a red enemy once.

* The panics take too long

* I got stuck in dialogue after making my way past the sign which requires the paper

* I couldn't tell I picked up the paper in the first place

Here's what you did right:

* Being able to aim the sword while attacking adds a bit more depth because it allows you to get more out of each swing with more effort.

* The dialogue was interesting and kept me wanting to play the game more.

* You showed dangerous enemies in out of reach sections in rooms to demonstrate that they're dangerous without hurting the player which is good design (though you could make the enemy appear more obvious).

I was very intrigued by your game, and I think most of your problems could be fixed easily. I wanted to keep playing but I got stuck in dialogue and decided to quit. I still enjoyed the experience and I think you still did a good job with this game.


thank you for the huge feedback !

I got other comments saying the same or the opposite about sole points you made so i'm gonna see what do change. I'm also aware of every bug.

I'm glad you appreciated the small part of the story it was supposed to have. I'll make a post jam version which will be complete and as perfect as possible !