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Thank you very much for your feedback
really appreciate it

yeah, I tried my best to have the player to first get comfortable using different controls and then try to get better and master them.
Difficulty curve could have needed more testing and tweaking, just didn't have the time left after creating the levels.

I'll make sure to improve the way I convey the controls to the player, 
I thought leaving plenty of time in the first level would allow the player to start slowly and read the information on screen,
I guess just having a timer makes this difficult, especially when you don't know how long the level is and how much time you need.

I wanted to have it be a bit more on the difficult side, but not go full kaizo.
I tried to provide a bit of a challange but didn't want to leave anyone out .

As mentioned on the game page, after the level design and creation depleted most of my second day
I didn't have the time left I planed for improving the other aspects.
Camera and Physics could have needed more love.