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There's a few fairly minor negatives, these being the bugs, fairly generic concept and doesn't particularly build on ideas very much, but this also plays really well and has lovely art, so overall was a pleasant experience.


Thanks for taking the time to play and comment! We had big narrative plans that definitely are just missing completely from the game. We would hope our story concept would help bring that creativity aspect to it but in typical Game Jam fashion we ran out of time, big project scope. Limbs would lose colour, you would have a pick up from other robot animation to show you're stealing battery, and in the end when you sit down and die, another robot comes along to take your parts to keep running.


That all sounds really cool! I understand that time constraints make it tough. Gl if you plan to develop it in future

Hi Sprazzal, we had a chance to update the game since the Jam and the ending is finally in place! We didn't have enough steam to fully flesh out the story. For the next jam I will for sure focus on player story narrative. If you had any advice on how to work on, execute or even develop something more solid I welcome any and all comments!