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The game's concept has definitely lots of potential. It's a shame that you couldn't quite finish it, since the actual game felt a tad boring, at least in its current state. With content such as a movable camera, more complicated levels and some more movement options, this could've been a really nice entry.

Sadly, i agree... At the moment this is barely a game, more like a barebone prototype, and therefore is boring to play, plaus the low amount of avaible maps dosen't help. I have alredy expressed my opinion about movable cameras and  levels in a few past comments but about  the moviment options...

Well, moviment options i think they would be an excellent idea for the game, maybe a delay option to delay another move to a few seconds later, or maybe some special manover usefull to clear (or aviod) obstacle, or maybe even an attack option to attack some enemys... The possibilities are litterally endless, and it could also open for unlockable (permanent, i don't actually like how many people uses non-perm. power ups, but that's another story for another day...) power ups...

Since it was you to come up with the argument, unless you was refering to a previous comment, i'm assuming you have some ideas in mind: if that's the case (and if you feel like doing it, we don't force anybody doing anything here) feel free to explain better what you have in mind and/or want to see in the game

As always, thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing my game!!! 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm just throwing some ideas here, but what I had in mind were:
-Set camera positions that the player could switch between
-Camera movement constrained by one or two axis
-Different robots that receive the same input at the same time (but not when they're blocked)
-Buttons that robots can hop on and activate the first two abilities (the camera ones)
-A toggable magnet that sticks to metal walls

Those ideas souns very interesting!! Thanks for sharing it!! 😃

(Also, what do you mean by "Flying"?? Like some sort of jetpack or something similar??)


Yep, exactly! Something that moves the bot vertically.