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The aesthetics of the game are extremely cool and fun. It's also helpful gameplay wise because it helps me know where I've already been based on the splattered paint. The fact you created all the art in 48hrs is seriously impressive and commendable.

My biggest gripe with the game is that you can shoot through walls which can make it very unfair to the player trying to hug the walls. Also, I'm not sure if this was intentional, but the last level felt IMPOSSIBLE to do without shooting basically everyone I came across. Other than that, I had a ton of fun and it fits the theme amazingly. 

Thank you very much for playing! I'm really proud of what Becky and Damien accomplished in the time with the art! 

I'd like to say shooting through walls it intentional to punish wall huggers.... but to be honest we found it funny so it was never high on the fix list! 

We already intended the last level to be tough, but we just ran out of time and so we didn't get round to tweaking npc placements.

Thanks again for playing and your kind words!