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(2 edits) (+1)


What i liked:

  • The theme interpretaton is original and cool
  • The gameplay in general
  • The sprites are kinda cool
  • The finals levels are knida tricky (in a good way) and the difficulty curve is really well done
  • All levels are possible, witch means that this game was playtested proprielly
  • The fact that the end screen is playable
  • The fact that you can actually lose (or win with some persistency) the end screen
  • Tha game is really well done

What i don't liked:

  • The art style dosen't feel consistant, despite the cool art
  • No music, at all
  • No tutorial and ambigue controls (I originally tried to move with the mouse)
  • The enemy moves all at tha same time
  • No demon summoning animation
  • The demon meter isn't never explained to the player and visible in levels where the demon never appers and/or when the demon isn't summoned
  • The demon is super predictable in his action, makin him not feeling so "Out Of Control"
  • The demons also makes 2 moves in his turn making him feel a little bit unfair (but this is intended so it dosen't count)
  • The level "too many enemys" uses a mechanic never explained to the player (i don't want to spoil it for the people that want to play the game, so 'll write it in code: K+D=no D)
  • The mechanics in general are never reused, or reused few many times
  • If you run against a wall, or an enemy against the wall, you waste a move
  • The game is short (but sweet)

Bugs finded:

  • (B-0001) No bugs finded: this was just to make you're spine cold for a few seconds... Good job, programmer(s)...

What i want to see implemented:

  • A menù selection
  • Art consistency
  • Mouse controls, with some UI buttons to retry and skip
  • Some different and/or ranged normal enemys, and maybe a different type of demons

...And that's it!!! Anyway, i know that it doesn't seem like it, at least from this comment, but i really liked your game, i think you did a pretty good job with it!!! 👍

(btw if you didn't let me known in the description know a never had noticed the similiarity to helltaker, and still i don't think they are too similar...)


Wow, thanks a lot for such good load of valuable feedbacks. Really agree with all the points you made, and especially for the 'predictable demon' part. I was thinking about adding a few mechanics to the demon but there is a deadline... I could think of something like it can gain steps by destroying a corpse, summon another demon, or throw the axe in the final moment.