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Hello, thanks for your comment ! THAT is quality feedback right here :D Here’s what I have to say about your different points:

  • Right after the jam, I reworked the block placement mechanic to make it snap to the world grid. This way, it becomes easier for the player to place the blocks in the right place, and reduces the uncertainity in the level design. A win-win ! And there already is a small leeway, as the collider to detect valid placement is a bit smaller than the physical collider, which means your player will automatically be placed on top of the block if it overlaps. But I can make it a bit smaller on the top so it’s more forgiving.
  • The time factor has been suggested multiple times, and I thought of it - just didn’t take the time to actually implement it (and it’s only 2 lines of code !). I agreee it would make the game way more enjoyable, not only for advanced techniques but also fast sections.
  • The player collider is a capsule. WELP, that’s a problem due to fixing bad level design with bad feature (it’s already changed in the post-jam version, by the way).

Thank you a lot for this comment, you basically broke down every problem of the game and that’s great input for me ! And yes, the intent in that section WAS to teach the player to place a block while jumping, but I guess it was a bit too violent.

Cheers !