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Wow that is one of the best games I've played in this jam. (full 5 star)

The idea of making the thief allergic and sneezy is not only a fun game concept but also very relatable! There were so many times in rhythm games when I had a full combo run but then I just sneeze and lose immediately :D

All the art is very clean, AND WAS ALL MADE DURING THE JAM?! NICE!!! 

The sound design is very good and I like that when you do a loud sneeze the entire screen shakes and the sound is louder and more chaotic!

Yeah good game. Easy 5 stars! You and your team did a good job!


It would help a lot if you would rate my game as well! Thank you \(^-^)

This is one of the best reviews so far! I'm so happy that you like it this much! Really amazing! I'm so delighted by reading this! Gonna make a tweet of this review! Definitly gonna play and rate your game!! :)