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Business Goose Studios

A member registered Jul 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks and sorry about the issues! :D We do have a lot more ideas if we develop it into a full game tho! :D 

Oh thank you! We still have a lot of concepts for blocks and with the notes! So in the future your wants will be added;)

Thanks for playing! And there are 18 levels in total, but there is a bug that the box sometimes closes and doesn't open again like you experienced sadly! :o

That is so clever and super cool exectuted! I really like this idea of trapping the player and then to try to escape from the same thing you just created! You could bring this to a whole new level! It gave me some portal vibes

Very cool idea, it feels quite polished! 

Amazing for only 48 hours! :) Very cool game you made there! Would be cool to have more options beside rally & defend. Like a choice on which hero you get, In these kind of games I personally like to go for more ranged options instead of the melee ones, and now it was random which is completely fine! :) since it's just for a gamejam! 

Really polished, good gameplay, nice visuals, very good concept!  I love this!

Quite impressive to create something like this for a gamejam! It's really good! :o

Got stuck a couple of times (in the pipe, near the stairs) the idea is cool, the gameplay can be finicky at some points, nonetheless very cool concept! 

Really cool art I like it! Gameplay is simple but effective! Very cool! ^^

Really cool! Very clean, I like the game in general, it feels well polished and the puzzles are quite good! :)

Very impressive submission, it's not easy to create a game like this! Some things wheren't balanced, but that fine for a gamejam! :D 

This is peak! I love clicker games! Gonna leave this webpage open for the rest of the day! I need all unlocks! 

Fun idea, well executed! I however tended to make him quite small in my first window and just drag my window through obstacles to take the coins, then jump to a new window and repeat the process, was easier than platforming. So maybe it would be cool if there was something that prevented that! Besides that really cool and a lot of fun!

Very solid! It's simple but I do like this, would make for a fun mobile game! The icons wheren't clear at first, I didn't understand what the Z meant. Very good submission in my opinion! :)

Very fun, very bloom! It would be cool if there was a reason to increase the size, it seems like it that the damage stays the same on either size. It would be strategically more interesting if you sometimes needs to be small and other times be bigger. But I liked it nonetheless

Thanks for playing it on stream! Glad you liked it! But really sad you got the softlock bug :( We already fixed it, but yeah we can't update the build :(

Thank you so so much!! 😁 

(1 edit)

We try to dabble in a lot of different forms of games! :D And thanks for backing and wishlisting!

Thank you and no problem haha! :D

Thanks for the kind words! :D And you can take off the notes to place them somewhere else, but the drag time to take them off is a bit long in this version, so we drasticly changed that already for a future update! :D

Wow! Thanks for these kind words! With all the positive reactions we are really thinking about releasing it into a full game! We still have a lot of game concepts that we didn't have the time for to include them! We are an actual game studio by the way, we created Sizeable, you can check it on itch or stream! :) 

This was a lot of fun! I also like the visual style of the whole game! :) Good job creating this! 

This is such a cool idea! I like the way the blocks work and how interact with them! Very nice! 

This is very cool and well executed! I like it alot! It has HUGE potential

Gave me huge protal vibes! very cool idea and project! goodjob!

I didn't understand what to do, when I attacked a gnome my whole game froze. Are the other characters actual players or npc's? Because I couldn't type in the chat. Looked impressive though! 

The controls of the telescope where a bit weird at first, sometimes I zoomed onto a planet, but it didn't register and zoomed to a different one. I really like the idea! :) 

I really like that art, the different biomes where really cool, in the beginning I didn't really understand what to do, then I figured out I could jump on top of the critter to fly to different places! Then it got straight forward! :) Maybe that's something you should tutorialize in the beginning that you fly on one of them to reach the first place or something. But besides that a really good submission I like it!

Thanks for playing, that's unfortunate that you had some issues :( We have resolved a couple of bugs already, so I hope in the future it will run smoother for you!

Thank you very very much! And yeah, the issue with the notes has been fixed and changed! But that's for a future update! 😁

Thank you!! 😁

Thanks! 😁

Thank you! And you will probably have more to play in the future! 😁

Thanks!! 😁

Thank you for the very kind words! 😁

Thank you so much! 😁

Thank you! 😁

Thanks! And really weird that it happened! :o Hopefully it didn't break anything! :o

Thank you very much! 😁