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This game was a lot of fun! It looks and sounds great. I love your detailed animation on the robot, and the music is really good too. The game was a little easy, I skipped right to the last level after playing the first 3 and had no problem. I'm not sure how well it fits the theme of out of control, but I had fun playing regardless!


Thanks for the detailed feedback!

Good point about the difficulty. Did you have any ideas for making the game more challenging? My team has been thinking about adding 'hazards' inside the robot, like spikes and exposed wires that the scientist has to avoid.

I think if we had more time we could have built out the out-of-control theme a bit more. An intro to show the robot entering the city and the 'autopilot' function breaking, forcing the evil scientist to manually control a now out-of-control robot would be one way of consolidating the theme. Definitely something to think about for future versions!