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I certainly had a little chuckle when I finished typing "poop collection" haha. 

I think for a snake type game like this, the grid based movement makes more sense. It helps make it very clear where you can and can't navigate. Which is important to be able to determine quickly, and at a glance, while you try to plan your next move, or several moves. 

For me personally, if the game was more free movement, I would feel more inclined to be upset at the game, then my own skill, if I couldn't fit through a gap I tried to leave for myself. Especially if I was one pixel off, or made the gap one pixel too small. A one pixel difference can be really hard to see depending on resolution. While, yes technically, it's my fault as the player for misjudging the gap, or lack of skill for making the gap big enough, it would be too easy for it to come off as the game just feeling less responsive. Like I'm battling the physics of the game instead of playing the game (if that makes sense lol). Unless you spent time implementing some really nice forgiveness mechanics.

That's just my two cents on it. Maybe others would enjoy the extra challenge from having free movement. So, maybe free movement could be like, a "hard" mode or something? Lol


It's kind of a tricky situation because some people are against the grid-based movement, and some are for it. I guess it will be hard to tell accurately until I finish polishing both mechanics to see which one is better and more preferable. But personally, I'm glad you thought this way about the grid (like planning the next move etc.) because that was the whole point for me at least. 

I am also surprised of how similar your opinion about the free movement is to mine. I was sure that if I made the free movement, it would upset a lot of people (especially since the mechanics wouldn't be polished in 48 hours). So, the grid was a safe option. 

AND WOW, I liked the idea about a hard mode, I will see how it goes (if it's worth it). Although, just removing the grid wouldn't work and I'll need to rework the whole system.

Once again, thank you for an extremely detailed opinion with a lot of personal thoughts and suggestions. This is truly a valuable response, I'll think of what can I do with these problems to satisfy the needs of the most. My huge appreciation to you, best of luck to you :)


My pleasure! Best of luck to you as well!