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(1 edit)

That was fun! It took me a hot second to understand what the heck I needed to do and that the buttons meant I could load certain actions. That being said, once I figured it out I was quite entertained.

I will say that, I found it not at all rewarding to move the ship around. Once I got used to everything shooting and trying to crack the AI (which I failed to do) were all the plays I was making. So adding some motivation to move, like asteroids coming from different directions or upgrades/power ups would be a superb thing.

Another small thing that I think would help amp up the sensation of mounting difficulty would be the music. You start out super chill and that's a good relaxing intro to the game, but as it gets harder the music could speed up or go wonky the more "out of control" the AI gets. Just a fun touch to add to the experience. Overall I think you did a fantastic job! I would really appreciate it if you could give ours a play too!