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Both the presentation and the concept were incredible. I understand 2 days is too short to have some sort of "intelligent" detection for your inputs, but if this concept was given more time and care, I can see this being a brilliant little game.

The atmosphere is really tense in a great way. The combination of the implied mystery and the background sounds like the doors opening and closing really made me feel uneasy, even though I was playing during the day. The high-quality voice acting really made this feel polished, and the subtitles were a thoughtful accessibility feature.

This is one of the first games I've played in this jam where I thought with proper development time could be something really cool. Well done.


Thank you! I had a ton of fun playing with the sounds and I am so glad to have been on a team of people WAY more detail oriented than me - and you can see that shine in their work with the subtitles, voice acting, narrative and UI! It would be super cool to develop this further - we'll see!