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Great! The coolness of the idea really hit me at Error Correction. I love how loose, chaotic, weird, abstract the solutions to these are. In particular I think this does a great job of using a minimal language without resulting in oversimplified puzzles.

A fast forward button would have been nice!


BACKDOOR was my favourite, and definitely a UX nightmare. I do a lot of programming, so... a lot of programming games are trivial and borderline tedious. I was biting my nails through the whole 8 sequences of BACKDOOR, even once I thought I had it figured out. This might be terrible for some people but for me it was a really cool experience. Also, I can put processes inside processes? They feel so powerful. I could go on but I'll stop. Great game.

Thank you.

I agree, a fast-forward button would help a lot. As well as being able to choose which permutation to test.

You don't really get to use it, but processes can call other processes and it should handle recursion. In theory anyway!