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Confound it! This was the most devilish game I have encountered so far in this jam mate!

The drunk Play button. The cats on the door ways. The explosion gunshots! THE DESTRUCTION LEVELS I MEAN COME ON MAN! THIS IS CRAZY! Using the mechanic and the world you made, and giving the player a chance to just go at it! To savour the forbidden fruit!

What cracked me up was the random cross-kicks as I am waddling out, tip-toing around all kinds of random objects, and hiccup-KICK to the side, and there goes a knife through the wall.

I applaud and bow before you dear Developer. You have won.

This post was amazing and single-handedly made my day! I'm glad you got a good kick out of the game and enjoyed the bonus levels! Thank you and good luck with your entry!

Hi spoonsweet, I also helped develop this game and I almost cried when I saw how much you enjoyed the game. I am really happy you enjoyed it and I wish you luck with your game as well!