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Thanks for the detailed feedback,  this is great! Yeah I always forget that the default resolution of our window isn't 1920x1080 since I'm used to fullscreening it the minute it opens. We were planning to do some better logic for how to layout the cards when you had less screen-space but ran out of time. The mouse was a last minute addition to try and remedy some of the later levels that we only got testing/working on the last day and were starting to get larger so yeah that's why it's a bit jenky to use. Normally I just just move the mouse around at the beginning of the level and then play with my hands always on the keyboard. You can actually click on the conductor guy to submit commands but then your mouse is always in the bottom middle of the screen so not much better. Yeah the sheep were supposed to play a single sound effect per whistle but for some reason the code that is supposed to prevent multiple of the same sound effect didn't work and it was a little last minute to try and fix.