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Original idea! I love the beginning starting with the instructions written in large, so there is no need for a tutorial - great design :)

The controls felt super fluid, I liked them a lot.

The mechanic is interesting - although the gun moving in random directions means there is no 'strategy' to shooting. If the gun had more predictable movement (but was still outside the player's control), then it could lead to some interesting strategies to take out the beer enemies.
I like the option for big bullets, but I'm not sure what the lock direction button does...?

The screen shake and bullet noise sfx were very cool.

I wasn't sure of the aim of the game so after a while it just felt like I was wandering around aimlessly - this felt repetitive. Different enemy types would help it feel less repetitive too.

Wow, thanks a lot for all that feedback! :D

I completly agree with all the points you made, so let me elaborate:

  • Yes, there isn't much strategy involved in shooting and in hindsight a city with narrow streets in which you can't really walk around enemies probably wasn't the best fit for a mechanic like this. I wanted to improve on the aim, but couldn't because of time constraints.
  • I'm surprised you like the big bullet ability, as it is very glitchy, but thank you! The same goes for the "lock direction" one as well - it was supossed to lock your aim for a few seconds so it would stop rotating and you could shoot in one direction. Sadly the button seems to be broken and I didn't have time to fix it.
  • More enemies would've been really cool, but again, time was an issue.

Thanks for playing! :D


No worries, and totally understand the time issue. I had some features in my game that were missing because of time too (I'm sure this is the same for everyone). I like the big bullet button because it felt like an accessibility option to make the game easier (somthing I know Mark Brown is keen on  🙂)