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(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your reply, what you said made me see new hope :)

By the way, I tried to make a MOD for Axu yesterday, with a few suggestions:

1. Can you add a ID property to the item class? which can make it more scalable, such as replacing old item, or translating item's name.



"ID": "bullet",

"Name" : "Bullet",

"Cost" : 1,



Then I translate it or replace it with my mod:


"ID": "bullet",

"Name" : "子弹", // Chinese language

"Cost" : 999,



Reference it by it's ID instead of it's name

"Tables" : [


"Name" : "Ammo", "Rarity" : 2, "Weight" : 10,

"Items" : [ "bullet" ]



2.Add scripting support, such as using CodeDom or LUA, scripting support allows modder to do more functional extensions.

That's all, and sorry for my poor English :)

Axu's modding capabilities are still very work in progress, and are not very malleable at this point. I was more focused on adding or removing content to mods, so replacing items is quite tricky. I really like the ID system you mention, and will start on that tomorrow.

I do plan on having LUA as an option for modders in the future.

P.S. Don't worry about your English. You speak very well. :)