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Okay, this was just incredible.  So incredible that I got totally invested in the story and was outraged when the fully intentional 'badness' of the game presented itself.  Every single piece of this would have made an outstanding submission and all together it's magnificent.  This really is so bad/good.  Worse/better than that even!  I would go so far as to say it might be the worst/best!

Also kudos to XCVG on the detailed reviews of everybody's games.  Above and beyond!

Thanks for playing!

There are a few things I wanted to do this time around that I didn't hit last year. One of them was to make a "big" game that gave the player a sense of epicness and adventure, and the other was to set the player up for something amazing and then disappoint them horribly.

I'm planning to talk about some of that in my postmortem, which will be out some time after the voting period ends.