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7. Any advice to new participants?
Even though your game sucks pat yourself on the back because you did it.  I finally gained confidence. YAY!

8. What can the admins do to improve your jam experience?
I have no clue. I think you are doing fine.

9. What are some of the past works you've made for the jam? Show off your favorites!

I made Blockage in my first jam. It is a 2d top down weird game. Nothing really happens
10. Bonus: Got any question suggestions? Let us know for next year!
I just wanna learn and make a new game again. My last jam experience had me stressed because of dead line, but at least I had fun. I am gonna use Godot this time just to make things easier.

welcome back!! even if the deadlines are tight feel free to work on your game past jam as well! good luck!

Thank you and you too.