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I made a Jam for finishing a game project and it’s having the same problem. Probably too many Jams going on right now (3 screens worth).

I think there are too many Jams going on atm the thing is I noticed they make these Jams free so alot of them go up and drown out a bunch, maybe if they were paid with reasonable cost that people could agree to would make it a bit more fair because your case you just want people to finish up projects and well a completed project is always nicer because then those folks can post up a game and that game could be the next Minecraft or something big as in well known we all make games but boy do I like playing games that are well crafted especially ones I never made because it's like wow I never thought of that idea but boy oh boy do I enjoy this! And I think more games should be made thus allowing us to find the odd gem more often! But when game jams get drowned out then it can make a gem harder for us to find and finishing up is one of the best things a game can achieve because it's completed and those ones are more likely to be played! I fell ya I hear ya but I dunno if they are gonna fix this issue because I would love to see more completed games out there! I barely have anything completed myself :)

Also to note though, any game in existence for most part something can always be enhanced or changed or modernized or retro-ized we can think of Chess as being complete Checkers being complete then we can also accept the variants of such games as being complete! A game can be complete but yet you can always have brothers and sisters or twins to it and that's why I like the concept of game making in general because as time goes on we can retro add or change past things and yet still leave the original as it's own thing! Example Minecraft there is so many people making their own voxel games I will admit there is alot of people with incomplete works but there is the odd ones that do see completion and the ones I have found through the last few years are astonishing what people can do with a game concept/idea that originally happened Wurm was the inspiration to Minecraft aka Cave Game but Notch made his Notch into the world :D

For clarity I only heard about Minecraft in 2017 or 2018 ish so I'm quite a newbie to the genre it was only 2019 that I heavily got into these types of games and RTS games! Because prior to those years I was purely into strictly RPG games :)