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Hey, just wanted to leave my 2 cents in. The atmosphere is interesting, but the design is a little frustrating. As ghostchibi has pointed out, there are too many links, most of them are simply examinations that require you to go back, and the navigation gets a little confusing.

My personal recommendation would be to separate "examine" links and "actions". Instead of having "examine" on the bottom of the page, the object to be examined can simply be a link itself in the text. Furthermore, you don't need to take the player to a new passage for every examination. You can have a section of the page dedicated for what the player is looking at, and it gets replaced with the description when you click on something. This would make the gameplay more convenient and transparent.

Of course it's just one possible way of doing things ^^

Hi Vincent, thanks for playing! Having some links that reveal more text within the same passage seems like a great idea for reducing the long lists of things to look at; I've seen that used effectively in a lot of the other entries so it would be good to try.

I can see the merit in reducing the number of separate passages, but I'll have to be careful since there is some secret stuff you can find if you fiddle with things in your inventory while you're looking at a certain object. This might be the source of your frustrations, so it's something I'll need to take a look at!

Thanks for your feedback!