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Seconding the removal / alteration request... They spontaneously attack me, I died twice while trying to mind my own business, and the debuff that makes my screen hard to read made it so I effectively could only play the game around half the time with very little benefit.  It significantly disrupts the crafting / exploring angle of the game, and got me to uninstall rather than fight with it.

Maybe the tutorial could have more specific hints about how to deal with them, so people don't just grab an axe?  Or, maybe I'm not the target demographic...

(1 edit) (+1)

Some SPOILERS here:
Evolve red fungs so you can craft Cola (an instant cure for zombiton haywirefication). Stay out of their eyesight, cross water when they are chasing you, or stop moving (they only see movement). The small hammer stuns them but doesn't kill them. Blowing bubbles sooths zombs. Place their favorite dungeon tiles off to the side out of the way. Or evolve some carnivores!

I like the idea of tutorial tasks to help learn how to deal with the zombs!


Thank you for the spoilers-- I'll probably try to give the game another shot.  I wasn't sure how to get red fungs, since I only had green ones.