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I like the polygon graphics, but there are few issues that prevent me from continuing the game:

Can't get past the first level with the apple due to these bugs:

The dot/pointer always dissapear when i look at the table

When i do the first two actions (rewind and fast forward the apple) i have to click on the apple again but i can't, wherever i click nothing happens.

I can push the appple off the table, if i try to left clik the apple nothing happens

Cursor is visible when i restart the level.

I don't know if other people have these issues.


Hi thanks for the review.

We haven't heard of such problem in the first level so it's good news that you brought it up.

So you have to left-click one time to make the Apple go to Seed, then right-click one time to make the Seed go back to Apple, and the one last right-click to make the Apple go Rotten, can you confirm that you took these exact steps?

Also for the pointer, it's normal that it disappears, cause it is a 3D mesh on the front view of the player, if we'll release another version we'll change it to be a Canvas element 2D so that will never disappear again (developer mistake, it's still our first game jam ever :D)

Again, thanks for the feedback and thank you for downloading our game.

Thank you for reply. 

I just found out the pointer dissapears only when the windows is maxime. It doesn't dissapear when the window is normal/non-maximized mode.