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Love it! I’ll drop it into the code and might tweak it a little if that’s okay, but am really excited to play with it. I love seeing modders take that torch and run with it! Thanks for sharing your script and letting me integrate it so everyone else can enjoy it too.

Regarding Notepad++, I would recommend it for quick changes (ie: opening or to change a chance or something), but the best code editor for this (and what I use) is godot’s actual engine that you can download for free on their website.

You’ll have to open it up as a project, but afterwards you can see the code that is color-coded for convenience, it has some auto-checks to find logic errors in your code (though each code usually has at least the one as “globals” isn’t defined per script page but called from everywhere), and let’s you edit scene files it needed. It’s worth using if you’re doing anything regarding adding new code into the game.

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@Aric - Alright, I'm going to download it and give it a shot.  Does Strive use any C#?  Should I get the C# support (mono version) to use the engine for coding Strive?

@deviate - that looks really cool.  I can't wait to try breeding some hybrids.  Do new characters start with percentages or just one born in the mansion?  If it's just in the mansion I'll play it like it's a feature of the dimensional crystal (just a little more lore).  Oh man, a whole 'nother level of depth!

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Ok, so I downloaded the Godot engine and I was able to open it and play with some sample projects, but how do I open Strive (along with Aric's mod) in the engine?  Sorry for the newb question, but you could save my wall some headbutting... :\

Edit: found it in Modding Help in case anyone else was wondering:

ankmairdor159 days ago

...  A new project can be created and Strive can be copied into the project folder to allow basic access.