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I've already submitted BLOOM, a game about girls at a boarding school being mutated by a disease called the Tox, based on the book Wilder Girls, but I'm currently working on three more!!

Changeling: A standard Wretched & Alone game in which you play a changeling who's body is failing. The tower represents your body finally collapsing into sap and wicker, the kings represent a mob coming after you after someone in your town figures out what you are. The suits (tentatively so far) are Memories (of the feywild, your birth/construction, your passage into the human world, and the "real you" being kidnapped by the fey), Relationships (friends, family, and foes, including romantic options because I just can't help myself lol), Body (your changeling body failing in specific ways, becoming more obviously non-human, having to avoid people seeing the ways in which you aren't human, and your changeling tells causing you problems), and... I'm not sure about the fourth suite?? WIP.

The Kissing Game: A deviation from the standard W&A model, this game has no lose/win conditions and really only qualifies as a Wretched Jam game because I use many of the same mechanics for it. It's a game about self-love verging on narcissism in which you perform tasks like writing love letters to yourself, staring at yourself in a mirror, and kissing yourself in a mirror, among other things!

Steal Marry Kill: Another deviation from the standard W&A games. This game is designed to accompany a workout routine I call "The Viking Workout," in which you pretend to be a viking raiding one or more small villages. The game rewards you by instructing you to roll a die after each workout and draw that many cards to see what loot you obtain! Diamonds represents precious treasure like gold and jewels, Spades are general goods and equipment and useful items, Clubs are livestock and foodstuffs, and Hearts are beautiful women that desire to fling themselves adorously into your strong viking arms! This game has no win/lose mechanics and no end, and is just designed to be a fun addition to a fun exercise routine!

That's quite the range of themes! I think I'm most into Changeling. Thst surprised me becuase I've generally been most up for the games that push the boundaries of the W&A themes and mechanics the most, but here it's the closest take on the SRD. 

What do you think you'll get done in time? 

hopefully all of them! it's mostly just a matter of thinking up things for all the cards at this point x3

At this point, I'm planning not to try and complete another jam entry and focus my jam-related efforts on helping people in the jam finish stuff up so please let me know if you want some input/a sounding board etc. 

totally!! thanks!!