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Hey there,  very cool little game (although it took me some time to understand how the controls work, I'd suggest writing something like Shift + WASD for climbing, instead of just Shift, but maybe it's just me :))

Very simple, very original and very good level design!

I managed to beat it (Yaay!)

I think this is an idea that can be used for a full game, you should keep working on it!

please avoir duplicates( gets buggy sometimes so just edit those posts)

Thanks for telling, I noticed it happens when you rate a game and afterwards type a comment, but must have missed this one!

(1 edit)

sorry for the avoir instead of avoid(had my french keyboard on and as usual autocorrect gets in between). This happens when you press the post button many times(Don't we all do it :D)

Hey, thanks for the feedback I appreciate it.
Yeah my tutorial was reaaaaly unclear. I really should put "+ direction" or + "wasd" for the dash and climb. 

In my next Jam I difinitely going to pass more time in the tutorial's creation.