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yeah I though about making first level smaller, and put it just as a way to win weapons before the boss, but thought about it too late. 

The level are randomly generated by taking a music, and create enemies wave from a defined list of possible enemies patterns.
I should have work a little more on patterns to make them more poetic and make more patterns to make them less repetitive.
I spend a lot of time during the jam on improving player bullets, adding a boss, a score system, and the munition system.


Oh! That is very interesting. Would it be possible to alter the code to create levels from any music defined by the user at runtime? Even though you lose your curation that way.

In any case, don't worry, the game is good! It got a good score from me :)

(2 edits) (+1)

yes, you change the link here

It look for music in audio folder. (game_directory/audio/)

The engine is pretty simple, it take map as a global variable, use it as the fist level, and each time there's a .next in a map, there's a next level.

At first(during dev) I was using anime music, but because they're not free, I've change them for free music.

Also as my engine interpret the js code, you don't need to clone the github repo or anything, you can just change the link in the extracted archive. (though I wouldn't mind a pull request :))

map argument are like this:

    level_type (0 is generated from the music, 2 is boss and 1 is testing crap),

pattern number are from 1 to 4 (mistake I've made when I've code the engine 6 year ago, it should be 0 to 3) , you could add one by copying a pattern file, add the file in start.json and increase nbPaterns here: (Norme is another mistake from my early coding, what does norme even mean...).