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Hi hbholland,

1) Escape allows a better chance to leave a map with adjacent creatures nearby

2) I think that's related to 1), but let me know if it isn't

3) When stats and skills are used, the game will mark them. Periodically, the game checks to see if stats and skills have enough marks to increase, which is why you're seeing this from time to time.

4) Real estate on that screen is one reason, and the other is that SotW is less "information based" than some other roguelikes that'll lay everything out for you. This information is still available, but it's not in your face. I personally like to have a game that hides a bit of information to allow for some surprises and mystique. I realize this isn't for everyone, but it's how I like it. Like you say, that information's available on the character details screen.

5) I understand this, but I feel like not showing uncursed is more of a break, and having "?" a bit jarring. I'm likely to keep this as-is, but thank you for the suggestion     

6) Oh, I love this. Yes, I agree. This is something I'm likely to implement, now. What name do you want for the credits file? I make sure to credit people who give suggestions that I end up implementing. I can use "hbholland", or if you don't want to say here, shoot me an email (address is on the website).

7) Some parts of Carcassia are undiggable. Others are diggable.

8) Edit each time, right now.

And thanks especially, re: the writing. I'm a software developer first, but have been writing my whole life and publish and review poetry, so it's something I take seriously.

"hbholland" is fine, I'm glad you liked the suggestion! And I do understand not wanting to put too much information onscreen, it does allow for better immersion when you aren't constantly being reminded of various stats. Thanks so much for answering my questions!