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For what little the game had, it was surprisingly enough for me to play the whole 30 minutes. Mainly I tried playing with the trees and conveyor belts (it didn't go so well fun wise ;D), but you do have a the start of something that could be developed into a full game. After reading the details, I understand that the time to make the game expired for your game about expiration ;P

I would certainly LOVE to see how you could build upon this. And for it being a 3D game is impressive since I mainly do 2D and have messed with pseudo 3D a bit. It was certainly a fun sandbox to play around in, great job!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks! yea, my first time making a resource management/crafting game, it looks like poo but the fundamentals are there. Pry gonna end up cannibalizing it into a different project that i'll be able to flesh out better, maybe make a kinky spin on it since im primarily a NSFW game dev.

I may not have been able to get even a fraction of what i wanted done but i got to learn a lot, so that's good, and i'm glad to see peeps seem to like it for what it is.

Thanks for taking a look at it bud, i like your submission to, it's simple aesthetics wise but fairly in-depth and complex once you really get into it, nicely done, :D!